Studio Baboun is excited to announce our first ever photography print drop, AKANSYÈL! 

AKANSYÈL, meaning “rainbow” in Haitian Kreyòl, is a a collection of 10 unique, colorful photographs from the archives of Haitian artist and photographer, Steven Baboun. These photos were taken in different parts of Haiti between 2014-2018. This drop celebrates and honors the Haitian LGBTQ+ community in Haiti and abroad. For our first collection, we are partnering with the Haitian trans organization, OTRAH (The Trans Organization of Haiti) to support their organization and emergency response project for gender-based violence against transgender people in Haiti. Fifty percent of the proceeds from this collection will be going to OTRAH, with the objectives of supporting their daily operations and emergency response plan. Each print is a limited edition print. 

About OTRAH (information courtesy of OTRAH): 

The Trans Organization of Haiti (OTRAH) is a non-profit, non-denominational association, whose mission is to contribute to the visibility, advancement and protection of the civil rights of trans people. The main purpose of OTRAH  is to support trans individuals  when they are victims of acts of  violence, while also  fighting to  create motivation and social political contribution  to changing mentalities by popularizing documents and/or awareness-raising tools relating to Trans people all that while promoting the  respect for their rights. OTRAH is an institution that believes in the  importance of organizing while defending the rights of transgender people and facilitate specific activities that can respond to cases of transphobic violence as well as the stigma and discrimination of which they are frequently the victims of. 

Brief history of violence toward Haitian transgender individuals (information courtesy of OTRAH): 

Transphobic violence is a reality for many transgender people around the world. In Haiti, violence is recurrent, due to the fact that the dominant discourses on sexuality are often from Christian emanation, and transphobic and homophobic violence is encouraged by politicians, media personalities and a large part of the society. In a report published by the organization Kouraj Pou Pwoteje Dwa Moun, 94 cases of violence suffered by LGBT people due to their sexual orientation and/or gender identity are listed. This violence often manifests as verbal or physical aggression, discrimination, and harassment, with serious consequences for the physical and mental health of the victims. Additionally, individuals face the phenomenon of gangsterization, to which the Haitian State has, on many occasions, demonstrated its impotence. This incompetence has compelled the Minister of Justice to urge all citizens to employ any necessary means to defend themselves against potential gang attacks, within a perspective that now advocates for peace to foster a more egalitarian society where human rights are upheld.

Objective of the emergency response plan (information courtesy of OTRAH): 

The primary goal of this project will be to provide assistance to victims of transphobic violence by offering them medical care, psychological support, and legal advice. Additionally, the project aims to raise awareness among the general population regarding transphobic violence, as they often serve as the first line of defense for transgender individuals in most cases.

The specific objectives : 

  • Specific and adequate medical assistance to victims of physical violence.

  • Psychological assistance to victims of all forms and types of violence.

  • Enable transgender people to protect themselves against physical violence.

  • Establish a referral system to direct victims to other assistance and support services based on their specific needs. 

  • Organize, through medical care professionals, information, awareness and prevention sessions on issues related to transphobia and gender-based violence. These sessions can be offered to the local community, health professionals and social workers.

  • Raise awareness among the general population on topics relating to transphobic violence and their impact on victims. 

Thank you for supporting OTRAH and Haitian art! 

Anpil lanmou,

Studio Baboun x OTRAH